Super Playground 3D

Super Playground 3D

Super Playground 3D is a free-form simulation game where players can freely express their creative side in a big playground setting. You are the only boss here who can cause massive explosions and control a variety of weaponry. Explore the fighting arsenal, which contains a variety of unique objects and weapons, and use them as you see fit. Think carefully about the approach you want to implement to create an outstanding war, then begin preparing all of the essential objects and releasing them into the environment. Get some items you want to blow up, such as ragdolls, watermelons, or large cars. You can even set up traps with powerful bombs and detonators to cause the havoc you want. When everything is ready, press the trigger button to celebrate your accomplishments. So, what are you waiting for? Begin creating your ultimate destruction in the game.

How to control

  • Use mouse pointer to play the game

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